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백내장 시술 수술 TOP 5, 광명 안과 추천 전문병원 스마일 라식

4.9/5 (117 Reviews)
by 1분 21초전

Discover the Top 5 Recommended Eyecare Clinics in Gwangmyeong City

Eyecare is an essential part of our lives, and receiving reliable and accurate treatment from specialized clinics is crucial. If you are looking for eyecare services in Gwangmyeong City, this article will guide you through the top 5 recommended eyecare clinics that provide a range of procedures such as cataract surgery, vision correction, SMILE Lasik, and LASEK.

1. 강남안과의원

Location: 경기 광명시 오리로 857 일청빌딩 Contact: 02-2684-8800 Features: Parking available, Free Wi-Fi, Separate restrooms for men and women, Facilities for the disabled
Highlights: 강남안과의원 offers a comfortable and clean environment with convenient amenities such as parking and Wi-Fi. With a dedicated eye specialist, same-day appointments are available for accurate diagnosis and treatment of various eye conditions.

For those seeking safe and professional eyecare services, consider 강남안과의원 for top-notch treatment by experienced medical professionals and state-of-the-art facilities.

Visit 강남안과의원 Website

경기 광명시 안과 추천 👈 클릭

2. 탑플러스안과의원

Location: 경기 광명시 철산로 16 트라이앵글빌딩 5층 Contact: 0507-1419-8806 Features: Parking available, Reservation available, Free Wi-Fi, Separate restrooms for men and women
Highlights: 탑플러스안과의원 boasts two eye specialists providing reliable eye care services with a focus on patient safety. Offering a wide range of treatments, the clinic ensures the highest standards of care with modern equipment and strict infection control measures.

Experience top-tier eye care services at 탑플러스안과의원, including specialized clinics for presbyopia-cataract, pediatric eye care, eye aesthetics, dry eye treatment, retinal diseases, and age-specific essential eye examinations.

Visit 탑플러스안과의원 Website

3. 아이민트안과의원

Location: 경기 광명시 양지로 21 T타워 3층 301~305호 Contact: 0507-1370-1199 Features: Parking available, Reservation available, Separate restrooms for men and women
Highlights: 아이민트안과의원 houses one eye specialist focusing on cataract surgery and offers a wide range of services including presbyopia correction, cataract surgery, pediatric dream lens eye clinic, diabetic retinopathy management, dry eye treatment, and glaucoma diagnosis and treatment.

For expert eye care and specialized treatment, consider visiting 아이민트안과의원 for precise diagnostics and exceptional care provided by a seasoned eye specialist.

Visit 아이민트안과의원 Website

4. 광명김안과의원

Location: 경기 광명시 오리로 346 행운드림프라자 2층 Contact: 0507-1447-0305 Features: Reservation available, Parking available, Free Wi-Fi
Highlights: 광명김안과의원, led by an eye specialist, prioritizes honest and trustworthy treatment, valuing each patient as family and providing quality eye healthcare. With meticulous attention to detail and a patient-centered approach, the clinic ensures the best services for its patients.

Experience sincere and reliable eye care at 광명김안과의원, where a dedicated eye specialist and comfortable facilities await to safeguard your eye health.

Visit 광명김안과의원 Website

5. 우리안과의원

Location: 경기 광명시 하안로 295 Contact: 02-898-4181 Features: Parking available, Separate restrooms for men and women
Highlights: As a specialized clinic for cataract surgery, 우리안과의원 emphasizes honest and trustworthy treatment, offering precise eye examinations and sound eyeglass prescriptions. With warm, family-oriented care, the clinic ensures patients' eye health needs are met with utmost reliability.

Benefit from expert eye care services and genuine patient-centered approach at 우리안과의원 to maintain your eye health and receive reliable treatment.

Visit 우리안과의원 Website


Your eye health is paramount, and entrusting it to reputable eyecare clinics offering diverse services is vital. Explore the recommended eyecare clinics in Gwangmyeong City to prioritize your eye health and receive safe and professional treatments tailored to your needs.

자주 묻는 질문 FAQ

질문 1. 안과에서 백내장 수술은 안전한가요?

백내장 수술은 안전한 수술 중 하나이며, 많은 환자들이 안전하게 백내장 수술을 받고 일상생활로 복귀하고 있습니다. 안과전문의의 조언을 받아 진행하는 것이 중요합니다.

질문 2. 스마일 라식과 라식의 차이는 무엇인가요?

스마일 라식은 매크로 각막 절개가 필요없는 최신 안경교정술로, 레이저 에너지가 각막 내부로 직접 전달되어 안전하고 빠른 회복이 가능합니다. 라식은 전통적인 라식 수술 방법입니다. 안과전문의와 상담 후 적합한 수술 방법을 선택하세요.

질문 3. 안과에서 시력 교정 수술 시 후유증이 있을까요?

시력 교정 수술 후유증은 드물며, 대부분의 환자들이 안전하게 회복됩니다. 각인의 건강상태, 안과전문의의 기술, 환경 등을 고려하여 안과전문의의 지시에 따르는 것이 중요합니다.

이 포스팅은 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.